Hat Tip To Bullets First.
It is time for our brothers and sisters in Connecticut to wake up before Reichsfuhrer Paul Vance and his Gestapo come calling.
What has happened in the Constitution State?
I hope they stand up and proclaim their freedom.
The powers that be in Connecticut have decided that little things like the Constitution and Rights have no place in the (ironically named) Constitution state.
When you have the Connecticut State Police spokesman, Lt. Paul Vance declare that anyone who voices opinions contrary to support of the new gun control law “sounds anti-American” one cannot help but hear shades of the Gestapo looking to root out any perceived opposition to the dictatorship.
Here is a quote from Lt. Vance during a phone conversation with a woman whose husband received a letter saying he must turn in or destroy his weapons because the authority didn’t get the paperwork in time:
“Ma’am, it sounds like you’re anti-American, it sounds like you’re anti-law.”
According to Vance, if you are not lock step in line with the government’s oppression then you are Anti-American.
When the caller, Ashley, responds to this notion by saying that Vance is a public servant and whose job it is to serve the people, his flippant and tyrannical response is this:
“I’m the master, ma’am. I’m the master.” (and by extension the people are HIS servants)
Vance would continue on to say that he will be sending officers door to door in order to confiscate all weapons that he deems “illegal”.
This is the same Vance who wanted to arrest people for tweeting, what he called, “erroneous” Sandy Hook information.
So, where does Connecticut stand. Does it support the Gestapo like tactics of Lt. Vance? Does it want to silence the freedom of speech right along with the freedom to keep and bear arms? Will it move forward with it’s door to door Final Solution?
For historical reference, from the Holocaust Encyclopedia:
On the night of February 27-28, 1933, a mentally disabled Dutch citizen set fire to the German parliament building. Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, presented the incident as the prelude to an armed Communist uprising and persuaded the aging President Paul von Hindenburg to establish what became a permanent state of emergency.
This decree, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspended the provisions of the German constitution that protected basic individual rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. The decree also permitted increased state and police intervention into private life, allowing officials to censor mail, listen in on phone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant or need to show reasonable cause.
Under the state of emergency established by the decree, the Nazi regime could arrest and detain people without cause and without limits on the length of incarceration.
In the months after Hitler took power, SA and Gestapo agents went from door to door looking for Hitler’s enemies. They arrested Socialists, Communists, trade union leaders, and others who had spoken out against the Nazi party; some were murdered. By the summer of 1933, the Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. Nearly all organized opposition to the regime had been eliminated. Democracy was dead in Germany.
If you replace the dates and the word Germany for Connecticut and have the mentally disabled citizen shooting up Sandy Hook instead of setting a fire, it’s pretty much history repeating itself word for word.
The all powerful regime in Connecticut has exchanged hatred of Jews for hatred of gun owners and will repeat the same tactics from 80 years ago in an attempt to exterminate them as well.
And do not expect the following not to come to pass, as it is all ready being encouraged in New York State by their own dictator, Herr Cuomo:
Essential to the intimidating effects of the terror was the willingness of many German citizens (whether out of conviction, greed, envy, or vengeance) to denounce their fellow citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish, to the police. The Gestapo could not have exercised such control over German society without the benefit of this steady stream of denunciations, many of which were entirely unfounded.
Even gun owners themselves, who felt compelled to follow the law (like Ashley’s husband) have done nothing more than tell the Nutmeg Gestapo of the guns they own. And just like Ashley’s husband, they have now given the Police the information needed to expedite the confiscation of said weapons.
My suggestion to the good people of Connecticut, get your heads out of your fourth point of contact and wake up. You are living in a state modeled after one that the entire world went to war in order to topple.
You best wake up soon.
And if you have a weapon that Connecticut wants, I suggest you don’t tell them…EVER.
Molon labe, bullets first.
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Read more at http://bulletsfirst.net/2014/03/02/hey-connecticut-1933-berlin-called-want-gestapo-back/#jylFMXtXxkJ6lIzi.99
Tagged: anti-American, Bullets First., Connecticut, Connecticut State Police, Constitution State, freedom, Gestapo, Reichsfuhrer Paul Vance