Hunters threaten to boycott Colorado after passage of recent gun laws
This is from Fox News Politics. Hey Colorado your actions have consequences. Restrict Second Amendment and you lose. Governor Hickenlooper you state and people will suffer. Hunters across the...
View ArticleRadar used to detect concealed weapons in public spaces
This is from One more way to get around that Pesky Bill Of Rights. Like that Damned Pesky Second Amendment that Damned Fourth Amendment needs to be ignored. With the metal in my body I...
View ArticleConn. proposals on guns, other items after Newtown
This is from The Boston Globe. I can see Connecticut losing 1.7 billion dollars in tax revenue. After 176 years Colt Firearms could be leaving the state. That would mean about 700 people will lose...
View ArticleFirearms Company Relocating To North Texas
This is from CBS 11 Dallas-Ft.Worth. One more victory for the Texas people and economy. How many more businesses will move to states that support The Second Amendment? BRECKENRIDGE (CBS 11 NEWS) – A...
View ArticleCT Governor’s Office Threatens Veteran With Arrest For Questioning Gun Ban
This is from Freedom Outpost. This is what happens when you challenge power mad DemocRats. Things are getting very ugly very rapidly. We received the following email from retired U.S. Navy veteran...
View Article‘If We Can Save Just One Child…’
This is from Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership. Adam Lanza was failed by the very same social policies that claimed to be the only way to protect childern. This by no means excuses the...
View ArticleUPDATE Marlin Firearms to Close
This is from Outdoor Life. This really makes me very sad hearing about Marlin closing. Is this because of all of the anti gun rhetoric flying around? After 140 years the marlin Company will be no more....
View ArticleGunmakers aim for greener pastures as states pass new firearms laws
This is from Fox News Politics. Stupidity has consequences. While the Connecticut Lawmakers have jobs and cushy retirement funds and other perks. The people being hurt the most are the ones these...
View ArticleEmpire State DA: I won’t prosecute Cuomo’s new gun law
This is from Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership. More and more Sheriffs and District Attorneys are saying we will not enforce these laws or prosecute people. We need to get Obamacare...
View ArticleA Texan Takes Manhattan
This is from The Weekly Standard. Governor Rick Perry(R.Tx.) is showing companies Texas is business friendly. Companies can operate with very limited taxes and government intrusion in business. With...
View ArticleNewtown Residents Have A Funny Way Of Supporting Gun Control
This is from Godfather Politics, It seems the Obama Media has been lying to us about the people of Newtown supporting gun control. It seems to people of Newtown want to be safe from gun packing loons...
View ArticleConnecticut judge declares ‘No one should have guns’
This is from The Examiner. There is no doubt in my mind that Judge Robert C. Brunetti and Judge Edward Mullarkey are life long DemocRats. How many more Judges on the bench have this attitude? We may...
View ArticleA Whopping 167 People Signed Up For Healthcare Exchanges in Connecticut
This is from Town Hall. As bright Blue as Connecticut is they exchange website would have been swamped. Sounds like Blue State people do not want the crap known as Obamacare. The State of Connecticut...
View ArticleProtective Orders and Firearms, the Salem Witch Trials of Today
This is from Bullets First. Gun owners are the new witch hunt victims. Like the so called witches of Salem guns owners are being persecuted and prosecuted by the same mentality. Between the years of...
View ArticleAmericans Doubt Reliability of ‘Smart Guns’; Won’t Buy Them and Oppose Their...
This is from Buckeye Firearms Association. Smart guns like Smart cars are a stupid idea. I will not buy a smart gun. I will oppose the attempt to mandate them. NEWTOWN, Conn. — By a wide majority,...
This is from Breitbarts Big Government. Which laws on the book now or proposed laws would stopped Adam Lanza from getting a gun and using it? A report released Monday by Connecticut’s Attorney for...
View ArticleConnecticut Pols Shocked That ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Gun Owners Defy...
This is from Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership. I am glad to see the gun owners of Connecticut politicians the middle finger. Now come the next election these political thugs need to be...
View ArticleHey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back
Hat Tip To Bullets First. It is time for our brothers and sisters in Connecticut to wake up before Reichsfuhrer Paul Vance and his Gestapo come calling. What has happened in the Constitution State? I...
View ArticleMILLER: New Jersey bill is outright gun ban on .22-caliber rifles and leads...
This is from The Washington Times. These Progressive Communist States are setting the stage for a Second American Revolution or maybe a Second Civil War. How many Waco’s will happen in Connecticut or...
View ArticleConnecticut Politicians Inch Closer to War on Gun Owners
This is from Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership. It seems the DemocRats in Connecticut are Hell Bent on causing a civil war in their state. Comrade Governor Dannel Malloy is a brain dead...
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